Asthma affects 1 in 7 children, and 1 in 9 adults in New Zealand. Around 30% of asthmatics also have Disordered Breathing.
What is asthma?
Asthma affects the small airways in the lungs, causing them to become more sensitive. These small airways can become inflamed (swollen) and restricted (the muscles around the airways tighten), and they can produce more mucus. This causes breathing to become more difficult - especially when exposed to allergens that can set off the inflammatory response.
What is Disordered Breathing?
Disordered breathing is more common in asthmatics due to the inflammation in the lungs. This causes upper chest breathing, usually at a faster rate and through the mouth, which, over time can cause a large variety of symptoms including dizziness, anxiety and breathlessness.
How Breathing Works helps people with Asthma:
One of the key components of living optimally with a lung condition is managing it well. This includes using your lungs as effectively as possible, and using medication appropriately. Breathing well can really improve how well your asthma is managed, and help you to feel more relaxed and in control of your lungs.

We will:
- Use breathing retraining to teach you to breathe well at rest, and during movement and sports without getting wheezy
- Strengthen your breathing muscles to better cope with the demands of daily life and sport
- Check you are comfortable with how to use your medication correctly, including inhaler and spacer technique
- Teach you how to monitor your own symptoms accurately
- Teach you rescue breathing techniques, relaxation and recovery positioning
- Teach you effective speech control
- Address any musculoskeletal maladaptation such as overuse of the neck and shoulder muscles in breathing. This can lead to neck pain and tension.
You will feel more in control, with increased confidence and reduced anxiety that in itself can contribute to symptoms. You will feel better!